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Ottershaw Players
An Award Winning Community Drama Group

Split Infinitives
by JJ Crossley
An unscrupulous pair of business executives hatch a plan to establish once and for all the exact age of the universe, and reap the fame and rewards, by recruiting a test pilot for their recently acquired, but rather unreliable time machine.
Dirty Business
by Derek Webb
Cuts are on their way big time at the local County Council as it struggles to find ways to meet Government spending targets. Josie and Angela are cleaning the office of one of the Council's Department Heads one evening when they come across a file which seems to show that their jobs are on the line too. Josie, who has a penchant for malapropisms, and Angela, who is Queen of the pub quiz team, are determined to fight the cuts every inch of the way. And if that means playing dirty, so be it!
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