Ottershaw Players
An Award Winning Community Drama Group

Time to get the brains in gear
We, at OP, would like to thank all those who came to see us in December and we hope you all enjoyed the show.
Following on from the success last year, we will be hosting another quiz night in March this year.
Please click on the 'Next Production' tab for full details
Please continue to follow our FB page for updates and archives of our previous offerings.
Please click here for Next Production details
Ottershaw Players have been running since 1963. We are an activity part of Ottersahw village community and perform our productions in Ottershaw Village Hall.
We are a small, friendly group, performing three to four plays a year and offer a variety of productions from comedy to murder mystery, award winning festival one acts, full length productions, home written plays and the occasional venture into musical hall and more serious drama.
We are a fun social group always welcoming new members whether it be to act, be a stage hand, make props, build sets, lighting, sound, help with costumes or any other role. Set painting is often run as a social way to spend a morning at our storage hut, plus some of us enjoy entering the village quiz, run by the village hall committee and held three times a year.
Upcoming productions are advertised both here and on our Facebook page so why not come along and meet us, find out what we're all about.